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Myths and Facts about Dyslexia

Noah Sturdevant Published: August 25, 2022
Dyslexia myths

Unlocking the misconceptions to help your child read

There are many signs and clues to dyslexia; however, it is important to be aware of the misconceptions and myths surrounding the disorder. There are a number of myths regarding dyslexia. We have listed some of the most common myths and facts about dyslexia below.


  • All students with dyslexia have the same problems with reading.


  • Dyslexia exists on a continuum, and students with dyslexia face different levels of difficulty when learning to read.


  • Smart people cannot be dyslexic or have a learning disability.


  • Dyslexia and intelligence are NOT connected. Many individuals with dyslexia are very bright and creative and have accomplished amazing things as adults.


  • Dyslexia can be outgrown.


  • Dyslexia is a lifelong issue. Yearly monitoring of phonological skills from first through twelfth grade shows that the disability persists into adulthood.


If you feel your child may have dyslexia, talk to their teacher and consider having them evaluated. You can request an evaluation through the public school system. While you are waiting for the evaluation, you may also have your child take a dyslexia screener to identify and confirm any potential symptoms.

While all of this may sound overwhelming, it is important to note that your child can still succeed in school with the right interventions in place.  

Furthermore, there are trained professionals, often special education teachers, reading specialists, and speech pathologists, who use specific, systematic, evidence-based instruction that is proven through research to help your child learn to read.

MindPlay Reading Studio can help!

MindPlay has had great success with students with dyslexia, mainly because our program aligns with the Science of Reading. Plus, it has Speech Pathologists on the screen to help students understand phonic sounds.

You can even try the program out risk-free with a seven-day trial. Start a Free Trial Today!

Above all, as is the case with any child with a disability, knowledge is the key. Being an informed advocate for your child, continually asking questions, and seeking out additional resources are some of the best ways to help get your child what they need to be successful.


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