Unlock Every Student's Full Potential

Identify, support, recognize and reward each student's unique abilities and skills sooner.

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Dyslexia Screen Cover image
Dyslexia Screen Cover image

MindPlay Signals includes a research-based assessment that can effectively identify signs of dyslexia in K-3 students.

  • Fast and accurate results
  • Empowers educators and families to promptly collaborate and implement targeted interventions in class and at home
  • Enables individualized student's academic and personal success.

With just a 15-25 minute assessment, parents and educators can identify if their student is at risk of dyslexia and work together to unlock success.

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Identify the Superpowers to Unlock for your K-3 Students

  • Assess each student in areas such as phonological awareness, word reading, spelling and fluency
  • Tailor questions to each student’s grade level
  • Accurately determine if further testing or evaluation is required by a qualified professional, such as a psychologist

With just a 15-25 minute assessment, parents and educators can identify if their student is at risk of dyslexia and work together to unlock success.

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MindPlay's Dyslexia Screener assesses for:

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Assesses students' ability to discriminate between similar sounds and as an early indicator of a child's reading readiness.

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Counting Sounds

Assesses a student's ability to identify the number of phonemes (sounds) in words.

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Alphabet Knowledge

Evaluates students' letter-naming skills and provides valuable insights for educators to identify specific areas of strength or areas of growth.

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Sound Symbol Recognition

Determines students' ability to associate letter sounds with corresponding written symbols.

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Spelling Nonsense Words

Evaluates a student's grasp of the fundamental principles of English phonics, including letter-to-sound correspondences, sound-spelling relationships, roots, and spelling rules.

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Spelling Real Words

Indicates if students have a solid foundation in phonemic awareness, decoding, and word recognition.

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Letter Discrimination

Tests for orthographic competence designed for students in grades 2+. This screener tests a student's visual memory of a word, trying to match it to a word that "looks right" in print.

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Expected Fluency

Presents a multi-line story to the student at a specified reading rate. Each line is progressively revealed with words fading out at a predetermined pace.

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RAN (Coming Soon)

Quickly assesses cognitive skills and understands a student's ability to process and retrieve information rapidly.

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Dyslexia is an Indicator of Success Cover image

Foster a Culture where Dyslexia is an Indicator of Success, not a Setback

MindPlay's Dyslexia screener empowers educators to unlock student success with its ability to:

  • Eliminate time-consuming test administration
  • Identify students who may be at risk for Dyslexia
  • Group students with similar academic needs
  • Provide immediate detailed reports that are clear and easy to understand
  • Assist in the development of intervention plans
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Know the Signals. Intervene Sooner.

Recognizing the early signs of dyslexia is essential to making informed decisions about intervention and progress monitoring.

Dyslexia can manifest in many ways. You should look for a combination of symptoms rather than relying on one sign alone. Common indicators that may suggest a child has dyslexia include:

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Expected Fluency

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Spending an unusually long time completing tasks that involve reading or writing

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Reading well below the expected grade level

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Confusing similar-looking words (e.g., “was” and “saw”)

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Difficulty understanding directions

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Difficulty remembering the sequence of things

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Difficulty with math facts and telling time

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Spending an unusually long time completing tasks that involve reading or writing

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Finding organization hard - such as keeping track of assignments or materials needed for school

Why MindPlay Dyslexia Screener?

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For Educators

MindPlay is an unparalleled resource in the classroom, offering you essential tools and lesson plans designed for every child, at every level. We use a collaborative approach to ensure your lessons are effective and appropriate. If you're looking for tools to help students achieve success, we're here to help you. Our technology and platform open up endless possibilities in the classroom, making it easy for teaching staff and educators to spend their time with their students, not recreating every lesson as needed.

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For Parents

MindPlay was initially developed to help children with severe reading challenges - like those with dyslexia - succeed in reading. Our online dyslexia screening tool gives you a decisive edge in understanding your child's strengths and weaknesses. After a thorough assessment, you're ready to take the necessary steps in getting your child much-needed help.


Ready to Unlock Success of Your Students? Speak to a MindPlay Specialist today.

We're committed to helping all students reach their full potential through our adaptive technology solutions. If you suspect your child or student may be at risk for dyslexia, schedule a demo to learn more about MindPlay Signals today.